Friday, 7 June 2013

Scottish alluvial gold from Kildonan Burn, Helmsdale

Alluvial gold from Kildonan Burn, Helmsdale, Sutherland.

Alluvial gold occurs in alluvial gravels and is found in a great variety of forms. It can appear black and rusty or appear to be light in weight when the gold particles are small. Gold is a heavy, soft, malleable, ductile yellow metallic element. It is unusual in that it occurs naturally as the native metal. The Suisgill and Kildonan streams are regarded as the most auriferous in the district. The source of the gold has not been found. In 1868 and 1869 there was a minor gold rush in the diggings near Kildonan.

Bob McIntosh


  1. So how do you separate the black and rusty gold from other black sands?

  2. Weight. It's *MUCH* heavier than other black sands, even casserite or rutile.
